The cleanse is almost over too. It has gone really well, but I think what I got out of it the most was how much planning the week helped. So I sat down and planned out all of next week. This doesn't really make for exciting blogging, but I am going to be so ridiculously busy this week that it would have been either this, or go back to eating like crap. I chose planning.
Why is my week going to be so busy? Glad you asked. First, my husband is coming home on Monday. Not like, he's coming to visit, he is coming HOME. Here. Done with active duty Army. Finished. Holy crap. So after school on Monday I go to pick him up (2 hour drive from school). Oh right, school. I take over all the Physical Science classes on Monday, doing a Biology review for their state exam (I hate Biology). Tuesday I'm being observed by my clinical supervisor. Wednesday I have a meeting right after school with one of my professors about my research project. I have started said research project, even have the data, but still have not compiled it, which is what she is looking for. Thursday I have my Capstone Project due for my student teaching, which I have actually started, but still have a ton of work to do on it. Friday might be okay, except I'm jumping in the car after school and driving down to Baltimore to spend the weekend with my husband and my inlaws. My dad has business in Baltimore next week, so he is going to drive my husband down with him on Wednesday, because, as you can see, I don't really have time for him (that's terrible, right?). Whew.
After this week, things should calm down a little bit. Its really almost at the end. I'm almost done student teaching, I'm almost done with grad school, I get to move out (again) soon. Its all good, I just need to get through this week. Good thing I planned my meals.
Okay, so wrapping up my food during this cleanse, I want to share two things. First, another dish was was originally raw that I de-rawified. This Cauliflower Curry was on GoneRaw, and sounded awesome. A curry sauce made with avocado, coconut, flax, etc. Lots of healthy fats. The problem? The idea of raw cauliflower seemed icky. I know they don't taste the same, but when I think of cauliflower, I think of broccoli, and I hate raw broccoli. So....I cooked it!
So this is steamed fresh cauliflower and steamed frozen peas, with a raw curry sauce. This was really good, nice and spicy but not overwhelming, and I highly recommend it. I did only put in half the cayenne, and then added about 1 tbsp of agave nectar because something was a little off at first (I think it was too much tumeric). This was easily my most favorite meal I made this week.
Of course, I had a favorite dessert too. Technically, um, I wasn't supposed to "snack", but I did anyway.
This Melon-Berry Sorbet was so easy. So very easy. It is a bag of a frozen, organic, melon-berry blend (canteloupe, honeydew, pineapple, and blackberries). I took out the blackberries, and mixed the melon and pineapple in the food processor with a tbsp of liquid coconut oil and some water until it was pretty smooth. Then I added the blackberries and pulsed until they were slightly broken up. Yum. This made a lot. You could easily have it be two servings. In fact, I made it to be two servings, but I ate them both.
I hope that everyone enjoys the rest of the holidays, whatever it is that you're celebrating. We have Easter Saturday today at my grandmother's (we thought this was an Italian thing until about two years ago...turns out she made it up!), and Easter Sunday at my aunt's tomorrow. Easter is my favorite holiday. Spring is also my favorite season, I was always that loser in school who didn't say summer was her favorite season. Anyway, I love that its starting to get warm, and I love all the cute things: bunnies, chicks, all baby animals, etc. What I like the most though, is that it is such a low-key holiday. There's no pressure, there's no fuss. Its just relaxing.
Nice way to end my Spring Break, right?