Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

Monday, December 29, 2008
Quinoa Stuffed Mushrooms
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Mystery Fruit
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Peanut Butter Cookie Monster
I love dessert. I love eating dessert. I love the idea of making my own dessert creations. Truth be told, however, I rarely actually do that. I would much rather search for a recipe, be inspired by a blog post, or buy a cookbook by someone who is clearly more experienced than I, and avoid being disappointed. You’d think, as someone with a science background, that the science behind baking would intrigue me, but...tis not so.
Luckily, I got two vegan dessert cookbooks for Christmas: My Sweet Vegan by Hannah Kaminsky and The Joy of Vegan Baking by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. I have to say that one of my favorite things about both of these books is all the pictures! They make the recipes so much more mouthwatering and memorable.
I was also elated to be gifted with a Kitchen Aid food processor from my parents. So, the first thing I did was make peanut butter. This is good for a number of reasons. First, I can’t control myself around an entire jar of peanut butter, so now I can make limited quantities. Second...um...I like peanut butter? I’m not sure why I said there were a number of reasons, peanut butter just rocks.
Anyway, after making my peanut butter, I was flipping through My Sweet Vegan and found the peanut butter cookie recipe. The best part, they are made with red lentils...not only did I have them in my pantry, but it would make them gluten free!!
So, you’ll have to get the book yourself if you want to try them, but I will tell you that I woke up bright and early this morning before my yoga class to make them, and they are awesome. I am pretty sensitive to the bean flour taste, but you can’t taste it even a little in these cookies; they are chewy and peanut buttery and even better than I thought they would be! I didn’t have parchment paper, so I just used a bare ungreased baking sheet and removed them soon after taking them out of the oven so they wouldn’t stick. I suggest flattening them a little before baking so they have that flat peanut butter cookie look. I skipped that on the first batch and they weren’t as pretty.
Peanut-Plus Cookies
Nutrition Information: 112.8 Calories; 5.5g Total Fat; 0.9g Saturated Fat; 0.0mg Cholesterol; 11.7g Carbohydrates; 1.1g Fiber; 3.3g Protein
These were perfect with a nice glass of unsweetened soymilk (sweetened with english toffee flavored liquid stevia). I had them for breakfast :) You might want to save them for dessert, but I couldn’t wait until then.
So that’s it for the food. My holiday was fine, kind of boring, although every single gift I received was fabulous, I feel quite spoiled this year. I also got Veganomicon and Great Chefs Cook Vegan, both of which I am excited about. Actually about 95% of my gifts were food related, so I’m sure they will be popping up on here in one way or another!
I'm going to dinner at my friend's house tomorrow and I offered to bring two appetizers, because they are having non-vegan potato leek soup for dinner. I'm thinking stuffed mushrooms, any ideas for a second app?
I hope everyone had (or is having, I don’t think Hanukkah is over yet?) a great holiday! I’ll be able to catch up on everyone’s blogs soon, if I haven’t already...I feel so behind!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Autumn Millet Bake
Monday, December 22, 2008
Nutty and Nutritional "Parmesan"
Spelt is allergy friendly. Although it does contain gluten it is different from modern wheat, highly water soluble making it easier to digest. Research has shown that like kamut, another ancient non hybridized wheat, spelt can be an excellent substitute for most people with wheat allergies.I'm not a gluten free expert, and I don't need to be gluten free, so I'm okay with this, especially because this pasta is tasty...but I do see a lot of recipes that are called gluten free that contain spelt? Maybe someone who IS an expert can enlighten me on this. The impression I got it that some people with a gluten allergy or intolerance are okay with spelt, but if you have Celiac Disease, its a big no-no.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Seven Pound Vegan
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Adventures in Canning Land
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
5-7-9 Workout

I'm feeling a little blah. Mostly because I was SUPER pumped for my workout tomorrow, and now it is going to snow and I doubt I will be able to go. For some reason, the town my gym is in is turning off the water at 9AM, so they are only open until then. Sounds like schools will even be closed, so I doubt I'll be able to go. This is extremely irritating to me. I'm considering getting a guest pass to a gym in another town for the day.

Monday, December 15, 2008
Spiced Sugar Almonds
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Maud Marta Spares the Mouse
by Gwendolyn Brooks
There. She had it at last. The weeks it had devoted to eluding her, the tricks, the clever hide-and-go-seeks, the routes it had in all sobriety devised, together with the delicious moments it had, undoubtedly, laughed up its sleeve.
It shook its little self, as best it could, in the trap. Its bright black eyes contained no appeal–the little creature seemed to understand that there was no hope of mercy from the eternal enemy, no hope of reprieve or postponement–but a fine small dignity. It waited. It looked at Maud Martha.
She wondered what else it was thinking. Perhaps that there was not enough food in its larder. Perhaps that little Betty, a puny child from the start, would not, now, be getting fed. Perhaps that, now, the family's seasonal housecleaning, for lack of expert direction, would be left undone. It might be regretting that young Bobby's education was now at an end. It might be nursing personal regrets. No more the mysterious shadows of the kitchenette, the uncharted twists, the unguessed halls. Nor more the sweet delights of the chase, the charms of being unsuccessfully hounded, thrown at.
Maud Martha could not bear the little look.
"Go home to your children," she urged. "To you wife or husband." She opened the trap. The mouse vanished.
Suddenly, she was conscious of a new cleanness in her. A wide air walked in her. A life had blundered its way into her power and it had been hers to preserve or destroy. she had not destroyed. In the center of that simple restraint was–creation. She had created a piece of life. It was wonderful.
"Why," she thought, as her height doubled, "why, I'm good! I am good."
She ironed her aprons. Her back was straight. Her eyes were mild, and soft with loving kindness.
That's it! Short and sweet. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
I got this from this link.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hummus, Brussles, and Karma
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My First Award!

I have a couple of things I want to talk about today, but first and foremost I wanted to say great big thank you to Joanna at A Cup of Jo! If you don't know Joanna's blog, you should definitely go say hi. She is super sweet and makes a lot of raw food creations that I can't wait to try when I get my food processor (how many days until Christmas now???).
"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."